Nature Happenings

  • Garter snakes give birth to seven - 30 young during July or August.
  • Except for goldfinches and late bluebirds, bird breeding and nesting season ends this month.
  • Thistle plants begin to seed; goldfinches gather thistledown for nesting material.
  • Mallards and wood ducks molt into "eclipse" plumage and are unable to fly for several weeks.
  • Fall migration starts this month with returning shorebirds.
  • Blackbirds begin to flock and appear at feeders.
  • Treefrogs begin singing and mating through July.
  • Second broods of squirrels are born.
  • Fawns begin traveling with adult females.
  • Butterfly milkweed in bloom. Look for Monarch Butterfly adults, eggs and larva.
  • Keep your feeders and bird baths clean and your seed fresh.
  • Final brood of hummingbirds begin to appear at feeders.
  • Delta Aquarids Meteor shower peaks in late-July.