Nature Happenings

  • Project Feeder Watch continues,
  • Audubon's Christmas Bird Count is this month
  • See if you can find our four members of the thrush family that reside here in the winter - the Hermit Thrush, Varied Thrush, American Robin and Western Bluebird.
  • Be sure to install a bird bath heater so birds have a water source when the temperature dips below freezing.
  • Bald Eagles arrive from the North to overwinter.
  • Huge numbers of Snow Geese are in Central Valley.
  • Large numbers of Bald Eagles are in Northern California.
  • Occasionally, erratic Pine Siskins begin showing up.
  • Great Horned Owls are pairing up this month - listen for their "who" calls.
  • Watch for late waterfowl migrants such as Northern Shovelers, mergansers, Ruddy Ducks and Common Goldeneyes.
  • Fox and Gray Squirrels' mating seasons.
  • Geminid Meteor Shower is mid-month.